Simplifying the Process to Increase Your Confidence
The calculation of discounts for lack of marketability (DLOM) can be a complex, confusing task. In this workshop, we will help attendees simplify the process and increase confidence in performing calculations by exploring the studies, databases, models, and methods used in the DLOM process.
The main feature of this workshop will be the presentation (by the authors) of the new Valuation Products and Services (VPS) Discount for Lack of Marketability Guide, along with detailed case studies. The new models include the VPS Restricted Stock Study Quintile Calculator (RSQC), which enables the user to adjust for differences in risk/volatility, holding periods, dividends, and Mandelbaum-type factors. The case study will also include a comprehensive look at various calculators, models, and templates.
The workshop will cover an examination of legacy restricted stock benchmark, pre-IPO studies, inspect analytical methods, and several well-known databases, including: FMV Opinions detailed restricted stock database, Pluris detailed restricted stock database, and Valuation Advisors detailed pre-IPO database.
Click here to learn more and register now.
Live online broadcast from this location is also available.